The Most Romantic Duo, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Open Up About Their Relationship For The First time In A While

The most talked about couple, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott normally keep a mum about their relationship. But for the very first time, they seem to be quite vocal about the things. In a recent interview, the adorable duo unrolled some really precious memories they share as a couple. Travis and Kylie revived their first meeting at Coachella where they developed an inseparable bond while exploring different cities. Being away from L.A gave them a perfect reason to be their usual self and know each other intricately. The duo became a proud parent to Stormi in the February month and this has given them a chance to spend most of their time together. Travis spoke about the emotional moment when he heard his baby cry for the first time and how that made him teary-eyed as well.
Apart from the relationship, the couple also went vocal about the things they face for being celebrities. Kylie told how Travis deals with the fame which comes with his work. She further revealed that Travis is a very private person who doesn't like his personal life and relationships to be put on the public display. However, he is adapting to the new fame coming his way gradually. They both as a unit are trying to keep things as basic as they can. The couple also doesn't step back in surprising each other with some romantic favor every now and then. On being asked about the most romantic thing done by Travis for her, Kylie revived her birthday when Travis made things special for her by adorning the front way of their house with flowers and violin players. With so many thoughts being shared, the couple definitely let the public get a slight glimpse of the key moments in their life.
Photo Credit: Paola Kudacki exclusively for GQ